
Is verslaving behandelbaar?

Attitudes van forensisch sociale professionals ten aanzien van middelenmisbruik

Auteurs Lianne Kleijer-Kool, Vivienne de Vogel, Jolein Monnee-van Doornmalen en Richard van Asch

Lianne Kleijer-Kool
Dr. Lianne Kleijer-Kool is onderzoeker bij het lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader en hogeschoolhoofddocent bij het Instituut voor Veiligheid van Hogeschool Utrecht.

Vivienne de Vogel
Dr. Vivienne de Vogel is lector Werken in Justitieel Kader van Hogeschool Utrecht.

Jolein Monnee-van Doornmalen
Drs. Jolein Monnee-van Doornmalen is reclasseringsambtenaar tbs en voormalig onderzoeker lectoraat Werken in Justitieel Kader van Hogeschool Utrecht.

Richard van Asch
Richard van Asch, MSw is docent Social Work bij Hogeschool Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Forensic social professionals play a crucial role in the resocialization trajectories of their clients with substance use problems. In this explorative study, we conclude that their attitudes to treatability of addiction are positive. However, there are differences in attitudes regarding needed treatment interventions and ways of controlling substance use, for example related to working within specialist addiction services, personal experiences with addiction and working in a clinical setting. When confronted with substance use of their clients, the forensic social professionals’ main reactions are discussing the problem with their client and analyzing the situation. The type of substance and the nature of criminal behavior are important considerations in this reaction.

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